2019.07.02 16:00
「少数民族は社会的に閉ざされていたこともあり、自分たちの技術の素晴らしさも価値も知らない」と和田。人件費の安さだけを目当てに大量生産の発注でもあろうものなら、彼らは時短の作業=品質劣化に応じるだろう。自身の成長という意識を目覚めさせるのは難しい。この技術を残し守るのには、正当な対価で取引を行うしかない。1枚のロンジー布を織るのには最低1カ月かかる。根気のいるその作業は経済発展とともに難しくなるのは当たり前だ。しかし、今はまだその手工芸が日常のなかに残っている。この国の手工芸の価値を知る海外との共同作業によって、ミャンマーオリジナルの現代のプロダクトが生まれつつある。(文/能勢理子 写真/兵頭千夏)
Myanmar shifted from a military regime to civilian rule in 2011. Its traditional crafts that would have been lost long ago without its closed state are beginning to be refined together with the country’s economic development.
Here is a report from Yangon on the state of the nation where new products are being born through Burmese who studied abroad and people from other countries.
The changing street scenes of Myanmar
It was in 1993 when I visited Myanmar for the first time. Although it was a harsh era under the military regime, its capital at the time Yangon seemed like a calm countryside town. People were smiling and chatting in tea houses that served a black tea with milk called Rapeie. They were chatting cheerfully sitting close together on low chairs and across low tables made of such natural materials as rattan. Today, a quarter of a century later, the streetscape in Myanmar has changed. The rattan chairs I saw back then have been replaced by plastic ones that seem similar to those used by public baths in Japan, and bright colors such as red, blue, and green flood the city. There is no other material that is more convenient than plastic for Myanmar that has a rainy season. It is light and it is difficult for mold to grow on.
Other than the red brick buildings built during the British colonial period, its streets are lined with Myanmar’s traditional wooden buildings. They are made of teakwood that is a luxurious material in countries like Japan. It makes sense as it is highly water resistant and repels bugs. According to the locals, “termites do not like the taste of teakwood so they don’t eat it.” Most of such teakwood houses have also disappeared from the central areas of Yangon.
Reform in the consciousness in making things started by returnees from overseas and people from other countries
Christina Win who is the owner and designer at Yangon Green Furniture is one of the Burmese who escaped overseas in the year following the so-called 8888 uprising on August 8, 1988. She moved her home ground for living to such countries as Thailand and Singapore where she had been active as a jewelry designer. Win returned to Myanmar in 2013 and what welcomed her was the aforementioned scene with plastic chairs.
For Win who studied design overseas, it was unthinkable to place plastic products that have no other appeal than convenience in her own room. So, she started making her own furniture. She says it started from searching house wreckers of traditional homes made of teakwood that were disappearing. “As Burmese don’t like old things, it was normal to not reuse waste materials from dismantled homes. If they are building a new house, they would even throw away furniture they had been using for years and replace it with new items.”
Myanmar naturally still has furniture made of teakwood, but most of it is hefty and overly ornate pieces that the typical rich Asian stratum is fond of. Furniture seen in Yangon Green Furniture has an antique taste brought by old teakwood, and has designs that give a sense of wood as a basic element that is not decorative. It does not appear it will be accepted by the public yet, but people from overseas living in Yangon have quickly started coming to her gallery after hearing about it through SNS and by word of mouth. At the time of this interview, Win was making a bar counter using materials with worm holes that the locals rather dislike. It originally seemed to be a carpenter’s worktable. Many doors that had been collected were stored in the studio. Those doors will become tabletops while maintaining their shape as doors. A woman who once escaped Myanmar is now brilliantly re-purposing waste material from her own country. Returnees from overseas like Win who know the value of reusing things will perhaps increase from here on.
Single-flower vases made from bottles thrown away in the streets
A movement in reusing materials in daily items is also starting up. HLA DAY is a shop in central Yangon that sets recycling and fair trade as its policy. All of its products use local materials and are made in Myanmar. Products made by recycling waste materials such as plastic bags, tires, glass bottles, cushions, and dresses making use of various tribes’ traditional textile weaving patterns adorn the storefront.
HLA DAY is led by German producer Ulla Kroeber. Its glass products are made by recycling bottles discarded on the streets. The bottles are collected by the needy, and they earn income by delivering them to the artists. The refreshing–looking single-flower vases come the street side. Waste materials are generating income here with the power of design.
Commercializing ethnic handicrafts by designing them to suit modern living
What actually is ethnic traditional design, by the way? When I asked a young La H tribe woman about the meaning of ethnic clothing design, she answered, “I’m sure there is a meaning, but it hasn’t occurred to me to ask my grandmothers, so I’m not sure.” Twenty years ago, when she was an infant, she says all the clothes the La H tribe wore were handmade textiles woven at home. They wove in silver for special costumes worn in festivals. She remembers her grandfather making those silver ornaments by putting silver into fire and hammering it. The meaning of the woven patterns that is handed down orally, however, is being lost.
It was Naoko Wada who taught us the meaning of woven patterns in Myanmar. Wada, who is a mother of two children, runs a shop called “dacco” that sells handcrafted products made by Burmese. She was charmed by the handcrafts while visiting various areas as an NGO staffer, and that prompted her to open dacco. She says a shortage of successors for traditional handicrafts has started in Myanmar as well. Hoping to stop this trend, Wada is producing ethnic handicrafts with over 20 groups in such provinces as Shan, Kayin, and Rakhine. The shop that sells such items as accessories has grown to the extent people say, “Go to dacco if you’re looking for souvenirs,” but Wada says working with minority tribes has not been so easy. She says, “Making ethnic handicraft items to suit modern living requires consistent quality even if they’re handmade. It was quite difficult to get the makers to respond to the demand for high quality finishing, saying minor snags and small stains wouldn’t affect the products.” To them, their work is done once a usable product is completed. By buying up even defected items, Wada deepened relationship of trust with the craftspersons of minority groups.
“As the minority groups have been closed socially, they don’t realize the splendor and value of their skills,” Wada explains. The only way to preserve and protect the skills is to remunerate them with justifiable prices. It takes at least a month to weave a single longyi sheet. It is natural that the painstaking work would be more difficult as economic development advances. Today, however, those handicraft skills still remain in daily living. Myanmar’s original contemporary products are being born through collaborations with overseas groups that are aware of the value of Burmese handicrafts.
Text by Michiko Rico Nose, Photos by Chinatsu Hyodo