Shizuko Yoshikawa – Where is my Island
開催期間 | 2018年05月17日(木)〜2018年05月27日(日) |
時間 | 11:00〜19:00 |
会場 | AXISギャラリー |
参加費 | 無料 |
Photo: Portrait of Shizuko Yoshikawa working, by Peter Münger
Photo: Portrait of Shizuko Yoshikawa working, by Peter Münger
主催 | 吉川静子・ヨゼフ・ミューラー=ブロックマン財団 |
企画 | ラース・ミューラー(出版者/グラフィック・デザイナー) |
助成 | プロ・ヘルベチア、サカエ・シュトゥンツィ基金 |
協力 | AXISギャラリー |
後援 | 在日スイス大使館 |
チューリヒを拠点に活躍するアーティスト、吉川静子(1934年生まれ)の半世紀以上の活動をまとめた作品集『shizuko yoshikawa』出版記念展覧会です。
5月17日(木) 18:00~21:00
・5月19日(土) 15:00~16:00 *終了しました
ガブリエル・シャード(美術史家/『shizuko yoshikawa』寄稿者)
・5月20日(日) 15:00~16:00 *終了しました
吉川静子(アーティスト) 「私の島は何処?」
・5月26日(土) 18.00~19.00
(グラフィックデザイナー/『shizuko yoshikawa』発行人)
Shizuko Yoshikawa (born in 1934) based in Zurich who left Japan in 1961 to Europe, later she moved to Switzerland and worked as a designer for Josef Müller-Brockmann, pioneer of Swiss graphic design, who she married in 1967. Since then she has been experiencing the history of Swiss design and art. This exhibition to celebrate her retrospective publication shows her works complement the rational and systematic concept with a poetic note.
25 works including the posters designed by Shizuko, the posters designed by Josef Müller-Brockmann, the film “Shizuko Yoshikawa” commissioned by Swiss Government are exhibited.
She is an influential figure in Swiss Concrete Art led by Max Bill and the lightness and humanity of her art contradicts the pure coldness of technology in the rational and mathematical order of the current digital age.
Produced by Lars Müller (publisher / graphic designer)
■Opening Reception
Thursday, May 17, 18:00–21:00
■Gallery Talk
Saturday, May 19, 15.00–16.00
Gabrielle Schaad, art critc and author of shizuko yoshikawa
“Transformation – Looking back on 50 years of Concrete (Art) Practice ”
Sunday, May 20, 15.00–16.00
Shizuko Yoshikawa, artist
“Where is my Island? ”
Saturday, May 26, 18.00–19.00
Lars Müller, publisher of shizuko yoshikawa
“Rational Concepts in Design and Art”