NEWS | 講演会・ワークショップ
2014.11.23 18:41
AXIS、IDEO、takramの3社が共同で主催する「Collective Dialogue」は、幅広い年代・活動の専門性を持つ人々が集い、オープンな対話を通じてデザインの力を再認識していくとともに、これからの社会や暮らしに対して何らかの提言を行うことを目指した創発型クリエイティブセッションです。
第1回(テーマ:「Our Community」)、第2回(テーマ:「Our Trash」)に引き続き、12月10日(水)に開催する第3回では、「Our Park」というテーマのもと、身近な公共空間である「公園」に着目。生活における質的向上を、公園というメディアから発想し、新たなアクティビティを誘発するような楽しみ方や活用方法を参加者の方々とともに考えていきます。
Collective Dialogue organized jointly by three companies AXIS, IDEO and takram design engineering is an idea emergent-type creative session where people of diverse ages and specialties gather to re-acknowledge the power of design through open discussions and provide suggestions for future society and living.
The 3rd session following the 1st (theme “Our Community”) and the 2nd (theme “Our Trash”) will be held on the theme “Our Park” to focus on the public space that is familiar to us all. We will explore ideas for qualitative improvement in daily living through the park as a medium and discuss with participants ways to appreciate and use the park that will induce new activities.
3回目の開催となる Collective Dialogueでは、「公園」をテーマに、利用する側の発想によって新しい価値を付与するようなアイデアや楽しみ方を考えていきたいと思います。
決まったルールも、決まった遊び方もありません。ひとりひとりの知恵や工夫、グループ内でのディスカッションを積み重ねながら、まちに新たな潤いと活力をもたらす、自分たちが理想とする公園=Our Parkを一緒に考えてみませんか。
General outline of the 3rd session
The park is a place where everybody can enjoy themselves in a variety of ways, such as relaxing, playing sports or games, or having a picnic. As parks are just about everywhere, one of their appeals is that you can casually stop by on the way to work, during breaks, or on your day off.
On the other hand, parks are at times criticized for being too dark, dirty, and dangerous. Some people even say they aren’t very useful as there are too many activities that are prohibited there.
One factor preventing the free and lively use of the space by the users is perhaps the fact most parks are created in keeping with the administrative side’s sense of ethical behavior.
Marking its third session, the Collective Dialogue this time will take up the park as a theme and explore various ideas and ways of having fun that could add new value to the park from the conception of the users.
There are no set rules or ways of enjoying the park. Why not join us so we can all think collectively about what “Our Park” should mean and how it could bring new types of enjoyment and energy. That way, we can discuss the matter within groups and you can provide your individual wisdom and ideas.
Guests who have been involved in unique ways in parks will be invited on the day and will participate in our discussion to inspire and create ideas. We will also team up with Design and Creative Center Kobe (KIITO), which is the creative activity base for design cities at UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network for an in-depth discussion while addressing issues unique to each region.
We are looking forward to your participation.
日 時 2014年12月10日(水) 18:30~21:30 (終了後、懇親会あり)、受付 18:00~
テーマ 「Our Park」
会 場 AXISギャラリー(東京都港区六本木5-17-1 アクシスビル4F)
参加費 5,000円(一般)、3,000円(学生) ※ 事前振り込み制となります
定 員 42名(応募者多数の場合は抽選で参加者を決定させていただきます)
主 催 Collective Dialogue (AXIS、IDEO、takram design engineering)
共 催 デザイン・クリエイティブセンター神戸
協 力 コクヨファニチャー、コトブキ、シンハービール(池光エンタープライズ)、ソフトバンクモバイル、ネスレネスプレッソ、レッドブル ほか
1名での参加に加え、2名1組、3名1組のグループエントリーも受け付けます。メールタイトルに「第3回Collective Dialogue 参加申し込み」とお書きいただき、氏名(複数の場合は全員)、フリガナ、年齢、職業(会社員の方は社名と所属、学生の方は「学校名、学部」をお書きください)、電話番号、メールアドレス、事前アンケートへの返答を明記し、下記アドレスよりお申し込みください。複数人で申し込みをされる際はメンバー全員が参加可能であることを必ず確認ください。抽選の場合、メンバー全員が一括で当選または落選となります。
申し込み締め切り日 2014年11月24日(月)
・ 参加動機および、ご自身の「公園にまつわるエピード」についてお聞かせください。(自由回答)
・ 英語の理解力について。(ご自身のレベルにチェックを入れてください、英語を母国語としている方は、「日本語」に置き換えて回答ください)
□ 会話・ヒアリングに全く問題ない
□ 簡単な会話・ヒアリングなら対応できる
□ 会話・ヒアリングにあまり自信がない。通訳サポートがあると嬉しい
※ 本情報は、AXIS × IDEO × takramが主催するイベントのご案内以外には使用いたしません。
・本イベントでは、記録および当日の振り返りとしてワークショップの様子を撮影(ビデオ・写真)いたします。その記録は、『AXIS』誌をはじめとする媒体の関 連記事に掲載および本イベントのウェブサイト上で公開する予定です。また、会場内では参加者の皆様同士の親交を深めるため、氏名・所属、顔写真を共有(ネームプレートやリストなど)させていただきますことをご了承ください。
お問い合わせ先 株式会社アクシス情報企画推進グループ(担当:佐野、上條)
Tel: 03-5572-0800
Date and time : December 10 (Wed.), 2014 18:30 – 21:30 (There will be a social gathering after the event) Door opens at : 18:00
Theme : Our Park
Place : AXIS Gallery 4F AXIS Building, 5-17-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Fee to participate : ¥5,000 (general), ¥3,000 (students) Fee must be paid in advance
Event capacity : 42 participants (In the event the number of applicants exceeds capacity, participants will be chosen by draw)
Organized : Collective Dialogue (AXIS, IDEO, takram design engineering)
Co-organized : Design Creative Center Kobe
Cooperation : Kokuyo furniture, Kotobuki, Singha-beer, Softbank mobile, Nespresso, RedBull and other organizations
How to apply for participation
As we will be tackling the issues through ideas conceived via team efforts, group entries of three members per group will be prioritized when accepting applications. Please make sure all members are available to participate before applying, write “The 3rd Collective Dialogue participation application” as the e-mail title, clearly state each member’s full name, age, occupation (company name and department if a company employee, or school name and department if a student), telephone number, e-mail address, and answers to the advance questionnaire, and send it to the e-mail address below. In the case of a draw, all members in a given group will be affected by the result. In case it is difficult to apply as a group of three, groups of two or individual entries are also accepted.
Deadline for application : November 24 (Mon.), 2014
Advance questionnaire content
Please copy and paste the form below.
– What is your motivation to participate in this session? Also, write any episode(s) you’ve had related to the park. (Write freely for these questions)
– About your Japanese comprehension ability
□ Absolutely no problem in conversation and listening comprehension
□ Can handle simple conversation and comprehend simple content
□ Low confidence in conversation and listening comprehension. The presence of an interpreter would be helpful.
Note: Your level of Japanese comprehension will not affect the result of the draw.
* The information acquired from this questionnaire will not be used for any purpose other than informing you of future events organized jointly by AXIS, IDEO, and takram design engineering.
Items of consent for applying and participating
Please read the following and only those who consent to these items may apply for entry.
– Please be reminded that explanation and discussion in English will be held in the course of the event and in group sessions.
– The result of the draw will be sent to your e-mail address you provided by November 26 (Wed.). This e-mail shall act as the official notification of the result of the draw.
– Those who are accepted to participate shall deposit the participation fee by the date provided. Your acceptance for participation will be nullified if you fail to make the deposit by the date provided. The participant shall cover any transaction fees incurring from making the deposit.
– Please be reminded that the participation fee will not be refunded in any event.
– In this event, the workshops will be recorded (video and photographs) for later reference. This record may be used in related articles in media including AXIS Magazine and may be publicized on the event’s website. Please note that your name, affiliation, and facial photograph will be shared (on name tags and list, etc.) for the purpose of facilitating friendly exchange and socialization among the participants during the event.
– Please be punctual (opening at 18:30) on the day of the event for carrying out the proceedings smoothly.
– The organizers will not be responsible in any way for any injuries, accidents, or thefts that may occur on the day of the event. Make sure you look after your belongings including valuables during the event.
– Please contact AXIS Communication Dept. (Sano or Kamijyo) for any questions regarding the above items.
about Collective Dialogue
エクスペリエンスデザイン、サービスデザイン、コミュニティデザイン……。かつては家具や工業製品が主流だった「デザイン」の領域は、近年凄まじいスピー ドで広がりを見せています。こうした時代の変化にあって、デザイナーのあり方やデザインと社会の関わりはどう変わっていくのでしょう? AXIS、 IDEO、takramの3社は、その問いに対する答えを見出すべく、デザインとデザイン領域を超えた多彩なテーマをつなぐ共創型の新たなプラットフォー ムが必要だと考えました。毎回お呼びするゲストとともに、世代や専門性の壁を超えて意見を交換し、アイデアを練り上げ、今の日本社会が抱えるさまざまな課 題(ソーシャルイシュー)の解決に向けたアイデアや新たな需要の創出につなげていく……。「Collective Dialogue」は、学生から社会人まで幅広い年代・活動の専門性を持つ人々が集い、オープンな対話を通じてデザインの力を再認識していくとともに、こ れからの社会や暮らしに対して何らかの提言を行うことを目指したシリーズ形式の創発型クリエイティブセッションです。
Experience design, service design, and community design…. In recent years, the domain of design where industrial products such as furniture once figured prominently has been expanding at an amazing rate. Given this transformation, how will the role of the designer and the relationship between design and society change? Taking the position that an answer to that question must be found, the three companies AXIS, IDEO, and takram design engineering believe in the necessity of a new joint creative platform linking diverse themes transcending design and design fields. Together with guests invited on each occasion, they will exchange views transcending the walls between generations and disciplines, and refine ideas leading to solutions to the various social issues Japan faces today, and the creation of new demand. Collective Dialogue is a serial joint-creative session where people of various ages and expertise, from students to working members of society, can get together and reconfirm the power of design through open dialogue, with the aim of making proposals in some form or another regarding society and life in the future.
about AXIS
六本木のAXISビルを拠点として1981年に設立。「デザインのある社会」を目指して、次の3つの活動に取り組む。1. 最先端のデザイン情報の提供、2. 商品や空間を通じたデザインのある生活の提案、3. 企業や組織に対するデザインソリューションの提供。社内にはマーケッ ター、プランナー、マーチャンダイザー、エディター、デザイナーなど各ジャンルのエキスパートが集い、幅広い提案活動を行っている。刊行するデザイン誌 『AXIS』は、社会に影響力を持つオピニオンリ ーダーをはじめ、デザイナーやプランナーから学生まで、世代を超え、デザインマインドの高い読者から支持を得ている。
AXIS was founded in 1981 with the AXIS Building in Roppongi serving as its base. AXIS has launched the following three activities in order to help create a society where design matters. 1. Provide the latest information on design, 2. Propose lifestyles with design through products and spaces, 3. Provide design solutions to corporations and organizations. We have an assembly of experts from various fields including marketers, planners, merchandisers, editors, and designers to provide a wide range of proposals. Our design publication AXIS Magazine has the support of highly design-minded readers of all ages including highly influential opinion leaders, designers, planners, and students.
about IDEO
カリフォルニア州パロアルトに本拠を置くデザインコンサルタント会社。サンフランシスコ、シカゴ、ニューヨーク、ボストン、ロンドン、ミュンヘン、シンガ ポール、ムンバイ、上海、東京に拠点を持つ。製品、サービス、ヘルスケア、デジタルエクスペリエンス、起業、社会テーマなどに対し、生活に根ざした発想 (ヒューマン・センタード・デザイン)でデザインを行う。Apple社の最初のマウスに代表されるプロダクトのデザインから、バンク・オブ・アメリカの金 融サービス開発まで、活動の領域は幅広い。米『Business Week』誌、米『Fast Company』誌などで「最もイノベーティブな企業」に選出されている。
A world leader in innovation and design with offices in Palo Alto of Silicon Valley on the US West Coast and 10 other locations worldwide. Involved in human-centered, design-based approach to helping organizations in the public and private sectors innovate and grow. IDEO Tokyo’s mission is to help Japan renew and reframe its creative and economic leadership position in the world by being a catalyst for change.
about takram design engineering
デザインエンジニアリングファーム。デザインと工学の両面から、美しさ・機能性・使い勝手を高い次元で融合するための、新しい製品開発のスタイルの創出を 目指す、新世代のデザイン設計事務所。プロトタイプ駆動型の製品開発やワークショップを用いたデザインプロセスなど独自の手法を駆使し、ソフトウェアから ハードウェア、コンセプト開発から建築まで幅広い製品や作品を手がける。Microsoft Innovation Award最優秀賞、独red dot award: product design 2009など受賞多数。
Founded in 2006, takram design engineering is a creative and innovation firm based in Tokyo. We offer innovative concept, product, and experience design for a variety of businesses and institutions around the world. Bridging the gaps between design and engineering, between the physical and the conceptual, and between the virtual and real, we turn abstract ideas into applicable concepts and tangible products. Our uniquely interdisciplinary creative processes help our clients to identify innovative business opportunities that will fuel transformation and growth.